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Mastering Techno
Mastering Techno
1. Overview & Analysis (3:34)
2. Project Setup (0:31)
3. Controlling the Transients (1:15)
4. EQ - Filters & Shelves (1:21)
5. Dynamic EQ - Upward & Downward Compression (4:33)
6. Quick Monitoring Tip (0:35)
7. Multiband Compression - Adding Character to the Sub (1:22)
8. Multiband Compression - Controlling the High Frequencies (1:28)
9. Multiband Compression - Mids (2:15)
10. Smoothing Resonances (0:59)
11. Character Compression (1:46)
12. Saturation (1:18)
13. Analogue EQ - Boosts & Cuts (1:31)
14. Clipping (0:58)
15. Review (1:30)
16. Limiters (3:38)
17. Limiters #2 (2:33)
18. Automation & Impact (2:13)
19. Final Review (2:42)
3. Controlling the Transients
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